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Version: 3.5.0

Pipes Language

A pipe consists of an input which generates data that passes through actions and finally gets sent to the desired destination with an output.

In addition, some inputs may be used as actions, as well as some outputs


amqp: Read from AMQP queues

azure-blob: Send data to a Microsoft Azure Storage Blob (Block Storage)

echo: Create a simple static event

exec: Execute arbitrary commands

files: Read from multiple files, in order of creation

http-poll: Run HTTP queries (GET and POST)

http-server: Run HTTP server

kafka: Consume events from one or more Kafka topics

mqtt: Consume events from a MQTT topic

nsq: Consume events from a NSQ topic

redis: Read from Redis in-memory key-value store

s3: Stream data from a S3 Object

scuba: Run BQL queries against a Scuba API endpoint

sql: Query a SQL database

tcp: Listen for incoming TCP connections (or write to existing server)

internal-messages: Receive internal messages from Hotrod

udp: Listen for incoming UDP connections


amqp: Send events to AMQP server

azure-blob: Send data to a Microsoft Azure Storage Blob (Block Storage)

azure-monitor: Send data to an Azure monitor

elastic: Send events to Elasticsearch server

exec: Execute arbitrary commands

file: Write to a file

http-get: Run HTTP GET requests

http-post: Run HTTP POST requests

http-server: Run HTTP server

kafka: Write to a Kafka topic

mqtt: Consume events from a NSQ topic

nsq: Publish events from to a NSQ topic

print: Print to either STDOUT (the standard output for the terminal) or STDERR

message: Create a message for the internal message subsystem

redis: Write to Redis in-memory key-value store

s3: Write events to a S3 bucket file

splunk-hec: Output events to a Splunk HTTP Event Collector endpoint (Splunk HEC)

sql: Insert data into a SQL database

tcp: Send data to a TCP server

udp: Send data to a UDP server


abort: Abort the pipe if the condition is met

assert: Validate an event against a JSON Schema, based on IETF's draft v7 (

add: Add new fields to an event

collapse: Converts JSON records to another format, like CSV or key-value pairs

convert: Converts data types of values

enrich: Allows using CSV lookup to enrich data

expand: Converts simple separated data into JSON

extract: Extract data from plain text, using a pattern

exec: Execute arbitrary commands

filter: Removes events, based on some given conditions

flatten: Flatten nested JSON Objects and Arrays into a single JSON Object containing only top-level fields.

generate: Create new events, specifically for alerts

raw: Operations on raw (non-JSON) data

remove: Remove fields

rename: Rename fields

script: Set fields to computed values, perhaps conditionally

stalled: Reports when a stream has stopped getting events for a given duration

stream: Create a new field calculated on historical data

time: Time{stamp} manipulation

transaction: Collects events together based on some condition to make a single new event

transition: Performs various actions based on a changed field