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Version: 3.3.1

Next Steps

If You completed the steps in this installation guide, you should now have:

  1. A Hotrod Server running
  2. The server's web interface accessible at http://localhost:3000
  3. The server's internal agent running (if started with hotrod run stand-alone)
  4. A second agent ("agent1") running and connected to Hotrod Server.

Now that You have a Hotrod Deployment running, hHere are some suggestions on next steps:

Enable agent metrics

By default, metrics collection is disabled on new agents. To enable metrics collection, it needs to be enabled on a per-agent basis.

Metrics can be enabled via Hotrod Server's web interface:

  1. Go to "agents" in the top navigation
  2. Select the agent you want to enable metrics for
  3. Select the "edit settings" button
  4. Change the agent settings to:
    • Enable the "Metrics enabled" switch
    • Set the "Metrics interval" value to 30 seconds.
  5. Click "Save"

The agent will receive it's updated configuration the next time it checks in with the Server (which should be within 15 seconds, by default).

Try out the Pipe editor

The Pipe Editor in Hotrod's web interface provides useful features for creating, editing and testing pipes, including:

  • Autocompletion
  • YAML syntax checking
  • Pipe evaluation, with sample input data
  • Step-wise testing of Pipe actions
  • In-editor contextual help for Pipe Language items