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Version: 3.3.1

Installation Overview

This guide covers installing and configuring Hotrod on Linux systems.

Hotrod is deployed in the form of a single binary, from which both the Hotrod Server and Hotrod Agent components are run.

Every Hotrod deployment consists of at least one Hotrod Server. Zero or more Hotrod Agents are then connected to the Hotrod Server.

A single server can manage multiple agents, and each agent communicates with the server via an HTTP API.

Hotrod server may optionally be configured to start it's own internal agent, via stand-alone mode, which is useful for testing purposes and light workloads.

In short, creating a new Hotrod deployment consists of the following steps:

  1. Obtain the Hotrod binary for your target platform
  2. Install the Hotrod binary
  3. Configure and start Hotrod Server
  4. Optionally, configure and start one or more Hotrod Agents

This guide will take You through each of these steps.


This guide is based the x86_64 Linux build of Hotrod, using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as the target OS.